The prospect of a media interview can be overwhelming and nerve-wracking but it doesn’t have to be! Those who haven’t had proper media training can find the approach by media anxiety-producing.
At KDPR we boast a broad array of experience and skill in the media realm. Our Managing Director spent many years being the one giving the interviews at Network Ten. Our staff are either trained journalists or work with media, knowing what they want and how they want it, every day.
If you’re feeling daunted or overwhelmed by the prospect of media interviews, there’s no need to panic! KDPR offers excellent media training services for those preparing for a media interview. After a session with us you’ll know exactly what to expect and how to get your message right.
In the meantime, we have developed a range of quick tips for interviews with print, radio and TV journalists.
The Basics
When giving an interview you have to be prepared to deliver a perfect performance. Although it is possible for some to ‘wing it’, being organised is a must for the majority of us. You need to understand how the media works and how journalists think in order to tailor an effective message. Aim to develop three core messages, and don’t forget to pay attention to nonverbal language (dress code, eye contact, even tone of voice!)
Print Interview
Print interviews are generally conducted over the phone. They are usually more in-depth than a radio grab or a voice-to-camera television piece, so it’s essential to bring your notes. Remember that even though the interview is via phone, journalists can quickly tell if you mean what you’re saying. Don’t be afraid to be animated while you speak!
Radio Interview
Radio interviews are also done mostly over the phone. This medium is as instantaneous as it gets, so ensure you’ve done your preparation and developed core messages before the interview. Keep your answers concise and try to have fun; never underestimate the power of an engaging tone of voice.
TV Interview
This is often labelled the most ‘daunting’ of the three mediums. Bearing that in mind, remember to relax! There is a performance aspect to an excellent TV interview; you must be engaging but not overbearing. Stick to your key messages, but not too religiously, or your message will come across as artificial.
We won’t deny it; media interviews can be completely overwhelming if you aren’t prepared. Our media training services are designed to prepare you for absolutely anything that comes your way in an interview. Ask us for help at KDPR; we’ll make sure you get your message right.